New: CLF ad in IL-10
New: CLF ad in IL-10 Daily Herald Kerry Lester October 30, 2012 http://bit.ly/Sv3dnI We told you last week that the Congressional Leadership Fund – that’s the SuperPAC of American…

Congressional Leadership Fund Releases New Ad in OH-16
Second Ad In $1.8 Million Television and Digital Advertising Campaign Against Betty Sutton WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund released its second television ad of a $1.8 million campaign against…

Congressional Leadership Fund Releases New Halloween-Themed Ad in NY-27
Second Ad in Over $900,000 Television and Digital Advertising Campaign Against Kathy Hochul WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund released the second television ad of an over $900,000 campaign against Kathy…

Congressional Leadership Fund Launches Ad Campaign in WI-07
Television and Digital Advertising Campaign Against Pat Kreitlow WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) released today the first ad of a significant television and digital ad campaign in Wisonsin’s 7th congressional district.

Congressional Leadership Fund makes $1 million ad buy against Schneider
Morning. We’ve just been tipped that the Congressional Leadership Fund – that’s the SuperPAC of American Action Network – will be reserving $1 million in broadcast television and digital…

New Report
All, A recent report from the Department of Treasury shows a disturbing trend: Under the Obama Administration – which Lois Capps supports – for every $7 dollars the government…

Have you seen this?
On Friday the Congressional Leadership Fund launched its first ad in CA-24 to remind Central Coasters what another two years of Lois Capps would really mean for their wallets.

Congressional Leadership Fund Releases First Ad of Nearly $700k Campaign in NJ-03
Nearly $700,000 Television and Digital Advertising Campaign Against Shelley Adler WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) released today the first ad of a nearly $700,000 television and digital ad…

Congressional Leadership Fund Releases New Ad in IA-03
Second Ad In Over $450,000 Television and Digital Advertising Campaign Against Leonard Boswell WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund released its second television ad in an over $450,000 campaign against…

Rubber Stamp
Carol Shea-Porter has made one thing clear: She would not be a strong voice in Washington for Granite Staters, but instead, an echo for Pelosi’s costly tax-and-spend agenda. It’s…