Scott Peters Gets “Booed” By Constituents Over Obamacare

Congressman Scott Peters is taking heat over his well-established support for the health care law – despite trying to play both sides.

During a phone call with a group of constituents, The Pomerado News reports that Scott Peters’ health care comments were “not well received:”

On more than one occasion, several attendees “booed” him when he talked about the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, including when Peters said he does not support repeal efforts.

Yes, Scott Peters’ continued support for the health care law isn’t sitting well with Californians facing lost coverage, higher costs and fewer choices for doctors and hospitals.

And the malaise over Scott Peters’ health care law is compounded by news that the 1 Million Californians losing their health plans may only get a three-month extension, at the most.  The San Jose Mercury News reports:

One million Californians whose medical insurance policies don’t comply with the new health care law will most likely not be allowed to keep them for another year, according to sources close to the state’s new insurance exchange.

The Bottom Line:
Scott Peters remains committed to the disastrous health care law costing many Californians their health plans, their pocketbook and their doctor. Scott Peters is sorely mistaken if he thinks he can placate Californians’ growing anger over his steadfast Obamacare support with a few piecemeal votes to adjust it. With a record of standing up for his political party’s health care law at the expense of California families, Scott Peters may find himself “booed” at the ballot box next year.