Two outside GOP groups spending $13.5 million on House races
Two outside GOP groups spending $13.5 million on House races The Hill Alexandra Jaffe October 9, 2012 http://bit.ly/Te8Kvr Two Republican groups are spending at least $13.5 million…

Cap-and-Trade, Dodd-Frank targets of third ‘Carol Shea-Pelosi’ Tax Receipt
Cap-and-Trade, Dodd-Frank targets of third ‘Carol Shea-Pelosi’ Tax Receipt NH Journal October 9, 2012 http://bit.ly/WMjW6O The Congressional Leadership Fund released the latest ‘Carol Shea-Pelosi’ Tax Receipt…

GOP getting boost for House races
GOP getting boost for House races By Alex Isenstadt Politico October 9, 2012 http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1012/82158.html?hp=l1 Republicans are poised to flex their financial muscle in the final month leading up to…

Super PAC launches job report robocall attack on Dems
USA Today October 5th, 2012 Hyperlink A conservative super PAC is using today’s jobs report to launch robocalls against Democrats in 15 competitive House races. The calls by…

More of the same
Good morning, Under the failed policies supported by Barack Obama and Kathy Hochul Americans woke up last Friday to yet another weak new jobs report: just 114,000 jobs were added.

CLF Launches Robo-Call Campaign in Response to Jobs Report
Economic-Focused Call Using Biden’s Remarks Will Target High-Propensity Undecided Voters in 15 Districts WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) today launched a robo-call campaign in 15 districts across…

No Way Out
No Way Out National Journal Hyperlink The NRCC released a new 30-second TV ad against Rep. Lois Capps (D) on Sept. 30 (release, 10/1). Full script, “Priorities“:…

Congressional Leadership Fund launches second ‘Carol Shea-Pelosi Tax Receipt’
Congressional Leadership Fund launches second “Carol Shea-Pelosi Tax Receipt” NH Journal Hyperlink Last week the Congressional Leadership Fund’s Carol Shea-Pelosi Tax Receipt broke down for Granite Staters what former…

Been there, done that
All, On Friday, Americans will wake up to see how the economy has fared over the last month. If it’s anything like the last 43, it will be yet another…

Tell me if you have heard this one before
“…new website with the same tired line– Carol Shea-Pelosi. Tell me if you’ve heard that one before.” – Naomi Andrews, Carol Shea-Porter Campaign Manager Huh? Did Carol Shea-Porter’s campaign manager…