Politico: John Boehner raises big bucks for GOP

House Speaker John Boehner has spent the past six months struggling to corral an unruly group of conservatives who have given him headaches on everything from the fiscal cliff to immigration reform.
For all his woes, though, the Ohio Republican is still on the top of his game in one area that matters a lot on Capitol Hill: fundraising.

Behind the scenes, Boehner has been reaching out beyond the GOP’s traditional political apparatus to help his party raise money. He recently appeared at a fundraising event for the Congressional Leadership Fund, a Republican super PAC that spent over $9 million in 2012 to protect the GOP’s House majority.
“Our Republican House majority is the last line of defense. If Democrats succeed in returning the speaker’s gavel to Nancy Pelosi, they will control all the levers of power. No check. No balance. No stopping the president from more spending, more taxes and his cap-and-trade agenda,” Boehner said at the event, according to a source familiar with his remarks.
“So let me just say thanks for all that you’re doing to help groups like Congressional Leadership Fund and my national fundraising committee, Boehner for Speaker, make sure that doesn’t happen,” he added.

Boehner has been upbeat as he meets with supporters.
“The American people see that their government is out of control,” he told donors at the Congressional Leadership Fund event. “We just need to keep making the case for our solutions to build a stronger economy and a more accountable government.”

Full story: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/07/john-boehner-fundraises-gop-93776.html