Scott Peters Loses Ground
The ground is shifting beneath Scott Peters. And it’s not in his favor. This morning, one of the best election analysts in America just moved Scott Peters’ re-election race…

Carol Shea-Porter Says No to NH Veterans…Again
Making sure our veterans are taken care of. That’s something House Republicans and Democrats can agree on, right? Evidently not Carol Shea-Porter. This week, she’s voted not…

Can Chicagoland Residents Trust Brad Schneider Anymore?
He actually did it. In less than two months, Brad Schneider flipped positions on whether Chicagoland residents should have to endure the health care law’s onerous individual mandate. Yep –…

A Sneak Peek at the Exchanges….”The same way you shop for a plane ticket on Kayak”

Ann Kirkpatrick: Digging In For Obamacare
Ann Kirkpatrick is digging in her heels. This weekend, Ann Kirkpatrick voted for a government shutdown by opposing government funding with a one-year delay of Obamacare, including the burdensome…

Scott Peters’ Money Grab
No more blank checks. That’s the message from two polls out this morning showing that a majority of voters oppose Congressman Scott Peters’ decision to demand more borrowed money with…

Erin Bilbray’s Choice on Keystone
As you may have read in Ralston Reports, Erin Bilbray-Kohn is having trouble deciding what to say on policy issues. For example, her first draft on energy doesn’t even…

Carol Shea-Porter’s Energy Gamble
As Frank Guinta yesterday announced his race for Congress in NH-1, current Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter has already given voters plenty of reasons to replace her. Take, for example, Carol Shea-Porter’s…

Welcome, Sean Eldridge
Sean Eldridge has certainly been preparing to run for Congress for long enough, but it appears that this week he finally picked which seat he’s going to attempt to buy:…

Politico: John Boehner raises big bucks for GOP
House Speaker John Boehner has spent the past six months struggling to corral an unruly group of conservatives who have given him headaches on everything from the fiscal cliff to…