Is Aimee Belgard Ready for Prime Time?
Is Aimee Belgard ready for prime time? With just 90 days until Election Day, Aimee Belgard sure has a lot of explaining to do about where she stands on basic…

Cook Political Report Shifts Race Away from Nolan
The forecast isn’t looking good for Congressman Rick Nolan. This morning the Cook Political Report downgraded Rick Nolan’s re-election chances, changing the MN-08 race from “Lean Democratic” to “Toss…

What cannot be said about Aimee Belgard
“Quality.” “Open and straightforward.” “Pragmatic.” Words not said about Aimee Belgard. Nope, those were words to describe Tom MacArthur, whom respected nonpartisan analyst Stu Rothenberg singled out this week…

NY Post: Brother-in-law of Congressman Tim Bishop texted crotch shot to staffer: suit
Looks like Congressman Tim Bishop isn’t the only member of his family in hot water for “really gross” behavior. While Tim Bishop used his phone to shake down a…

CLF Launches Web Ad on Brad Schneider Hiding Tax Returns
Brad Schneider must have something on his tax returns he doesn’t want us to see. It’s a shrouded history that sounds a little too much like Illinois officials whose attempts…

Let’s Try Another Explanation
Rick Nolan has managed to land himself in a bit of controversy over tweeting – and deleting – a spiteful take on the Constitution. And now Rick Nolan and…

Old School Meets Out-of-Touch
A new profile of Rick Nolan raises the curtain on the congressman who’s stuck in the radical views and outdated operations of the 1970s. Here’s two…

ICYMI: Rothenberg Shifts IL-10 Away from Schneider
In case you missed it, Friday afternoon brought more bad news for Congressman Brad Schneider’s lackluster campaign. The respected, non-partisan Rothenberg Political Report downgraded Brad Schneider’s re-election chances, changing the…

ICYMI: Key DC pundit changes CD3 rating to favor Heck
More bad news for career political operative Erin Bilbray. As noted by Ralston Reports, Erin Bilbray’s prospects have just been downgraded once again by the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report.

Retro Rick Still Loves a Gas Tax
Retro Rick Nolan is at it again – this time championing higher gas taxes just like he did in the 1970s. As Congress negotiates how to fix…