Scott Peters and a New Generation Republican…

Scott Peters and a New Generation Republican…

A “New Generation Republican.” That’s who Congressman Scott Peters will have to defend his fiscally-reckless and partisan record against in November. Last night finalized a worst-case scenario for Scott Peters…

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Brad Schneider’s Pelosi Partisan Politics

Brad Schneider’s Pelosi Partisan Politics

Chicagoland residents will get to see the real Brad Schneider as he campaigns today with his extreme liberal, hyper-partisan Democratic leader: Nancy Pelosi. Yes, despite all Brad Schneider’s…

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Brad Schneider: What Veterans’ Health Care Scandal?

Brad Schneider: What Veterans’ Health Care Scandal?

It’s been 35 days. In this time, scores of lawmakers and veterans organizations have stood up and spoken out against shocking reports of veterans denied timely health care. But not…

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Videos: Erin Bilbray Protests Iraq War (2007) Before Supporting It in Bid for Congress (2014)

Videos: Erin Bilbray Protests Iraq War (2007) Before Supporting It in Bid for Congress (2014)

As the Las Vegas Review Journal is reporting, 2007 video has surfaced showing career political operative Erin Bilbray leading protests against our troops in Iraq, shilling for liberal group…

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Poll: John Barrow Faces “Mounting Danger” from Obamacare

Poll: John Barrow Faces “Mounting Danger” from Obamacare

Congressman John Barrow’s week is already off to a rough start with news of “mounting danger” for him in GA-12. New POLITICO polling of competitive districts, which included…

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Pat Quinn Campaigning for Brad Schneider?

Pat Quinn Campaigning for Brad Schneider?

More bad headlines for Congressman Brad Schneider’s ballot buddy, Governor Pat Quinn. Following news of criminal investigations into Gov. Quinn’s alleged taxpayer-funded “political slush fund,” now comes word…

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Carol Shea-Porter: Obamacare “great joy and triumph”

Carol Shea-Porter: Obamacare “great joy and triumph”

Someone tell Carol Shea-Porter that the Obama Administration’s ACA champion contest was last year. Because yesterday, Reuters reported on Carol Shea-Porter’s latest Obamacare cheering exhibition: [Carol] Shea-Porter, a…

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Carol Shea-Porter Joins Benghazi Stonewalling

Carol Shea-Porter Joins Benghazi Stonewalling

“What difference at this point does it make?” – Hillary Clinton on the Benghazi attacks, January 2013 Carol Shea-Porter seems to agree – since last night she voted…

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Slow Clap for Jennifer Garrison

Slow Clap for Jennifer Garrison

A slow clap for Jennifer Garrison. Initially billed as a DCCC “top tier” recruit, Jennifer Garrison’s struggling campaign made it across the primary finish line last night. Now as…

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Retro Rick Nolan…for Peace, Love and Single Payer

Retro Rick Nolan…for Peace, Love and Single Payer

Meet “Retro Rick.” The new Rick Nolan in Congress is proving himself to be very much the same “liberal and radicalized” Rick Nolan of the 1970s. Just last…

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