CLF Statement on Speaker Paul Ryan

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund Chairman and former Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) released the following statement after Paul Ryan was elected Speaker of the House:

“Speaker of the House Paul Ryan represents a bold new beginning for the GOP Conference in the House of Representatives.  Equally important, his election offers the entire body an opportunity to get back to work on the critical issues facing the country. Months from now the American people will judge the GOP House Majority, not on the inside baseball of conference politics, but on the politics of whether the policies they pursued and enacted made the economy stronger, our borders more secure and our nation safer.  I am confident that Speaker Ryan has the skills, the passion and the experience to put the House back to work on the issues that matter to our nation’s future.”

Congressional Leadership Fund is the House GOP super PAC exclusively dedicated to preserving and growing the House Republican Majority. CLF, along with its sister 501(c)(4) American Action Network, spent nearly $20 million in independent expenditures on U.S. House races in 2014.
