Congressional Leadership Fund Doubles Spending and Releases New Ad Against Jon Ossoff
New investment begins to erase Ossoff’s massive spending advantage of 4,500 GRPs vs. 600 GRPs WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund …

Jon Ossoff and Al-Jazeera: Direct Ties
Jon Ossoff claims to be a national security advisor with top security clearance, yet accepted money from Al-Jazeera, a media outlet bankrolled by the Emir of Qatar since its inception…

ICYMI: WSJ: GOP Group Ramps Up Campaign to Prevent Midterm Losses
In Case You Missed It: GOP Group Ramps Up Campaign to Prevent Midterm Losses Super PAC is already canvassing and running ads for vulnerable House members The…

Congressional Leadership Fund Launches Data-Driven National Field Operation for 2018
Becomes First Super PAC to Launch Field Program with up to 30 Offices in Targeted Districts WASHINGTON – Today, the Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC),…

Quist Flip-Flop Alert: Universal Health Care & Taxes
It looks like Montana’s out-of-touch candidate Rob Quist is attempting to change his tune. In recent days, amid CLF’s ad campaign exposing Quist’s views on universal health care as “out-of-tune” with…

ICYMI: Ossoff’s latest ad an “embellishment”
In case you missed it – wanted to flag WXIA’s story on Jon Ossoff’s latest campaign ad. The ad was put in the embellishment category, which is exactly where it belongs.

CLF Releases First Ad “Out of Tune” Against Rob Quist in $700,000 Campaign
Advertising on TV and Digital in Montana WASHINGTON – On the heels of the Montana Democratic Party’s special nominating convention, the Congressional Leadership Fund (…

CLF Releases First Ad “The Truth Strikes Back” Against Jon Ossoff in $1.1 Million Campaign
Advertising on TV and Digital in GA-06 through April 18 WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican…

Congressional Leadership Fund Launches New Website MarchInto18.com
CLF Capitalizes on DCCC’s Botched Website Rollout WASHINGTON— Ahead of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s (DCCC) retreat in Baltimore, the Congressional Leadership Fund (@theCLF) is launching a new website…

CLF Statement on President Donald Trump
WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC) Executive Director Corry Bliss today released the following statement on the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States: “Congratulations…