Law Enforcement Ditches Susie Lee
Susie Lee’s anti-cop agenda is catching up with her. According to the Nevada Globe, “the Public Safety Alliance of Nevada, an organization representing nearly 100…

DCCC stays with Chen after racist attacks
Apparently, the DCCC thinks racism *does in fact* have a place in Congress after all. The DCCC doubled down on their support of Jay Chen after…

Maloney Tries to Reverse on “Top Priority”
With New York crime spiraling out of control and an approaching election, Sean Patrick Maloney is backpaddling to paper over his failed record. Maloney…

Will DCCC renounce Jay Chen?
Last night, video surfaced of DCCC star candidate Jay Chen making racist remarksand mocking the accent of Congresswoman Michelle Steel – a first-generation Korean American who speaks English as…

“We’re Just Floundering”
Michiganders are *not* happy about the skyrocketing prices they’re facing. Just look at what a few voters had to say about their frustration…

“We’re Just Floundering”
Michiganders are *not* happy about the skyrocketing prices they’re facing. Just look at what a few voters had to say about their…

Axne *literally* bear hugs Biden
Today, Cindy Axne said she’s “thrilled to welcome” to welcome Joe Biden to Iowa. She even bearhugged him on the tarmac and was falling over herself to take a…

Rose Campaigned with Criminal Lt Gov
New York Times reports that New York Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin has been arrested and charged with bribery, fraud and falsification of records. And…

Spanberger Calls for Luria’s Resignation?
Spanberger is holding no punches against fellow Virginia Democrat, Elaine Luria. Moments ago, Spanberger suggested Luria should resign from Congress, tweeting: “If a ban on individual stock…

Inflation Hits Record High…Again
Inflation is soaring at the fastest rate since the Carter Administration, jumping up 8.5% since last year. The AP reports, record high prices…