Axne Denies Cause of Inflation…Again
During a Meet and Greet last week, Cindy Axne claimed the Biden Administration and Democrats are *not* to blame for inflation, even though the Federal Reserve…

Chen Doubles Down on Racism
Jay Chen isn’t just refusing to apologize for his hateful comments, he’s fully doubling down on his racism toward Congresswoman Michelle Steel. In a new…

Delgado Hopes to Erase Anti-Cop Record
During a Facebook Live, Antonio Delgado says we have to “make sure that we are supporting law enforcement,” adding that “stripping them of funding will impact communities negatively.”…

Malinowski Backs 36¢ Gas Price Hike
Americans are facing record high gas prices and Tom Malinowski wants to send costs even higher. During a Sierra Club town hall, Malinowski said, “The best way…

Spanberger Tries to Erase Anti-Cop Record
Abigail Spanberger is working overtime to memory-hole her anti-law enforcement record, telling Politico the “defund the police” slogan was “a terrible idea.” But words…

Dems Amplify Chen’s Racist Remarks
Democrat candidate Jay Chen launched racist attacks against Congresswoman Michelle Steel last week. Now, twenty-three local and regional community leaders have called on Chen to apologize for his appalling comments,…

Levin Tries To Paper Over Anti-Cop Record
With crime spiraling out of control and an approaching election, Mike Levin is trying to paper over his radical anti-cop record. BUT Levin’s record shows…

Will Dem Leadership Ask for a Refund?
Last week one of Democrats’ star candidates, Jay Chen, was caught on video making racist remarks about Congresswoman Michelle Steel. Democrat Party leaders have provided substantial financial support to Chen: Nancy…

Headlines Pile Up, But DCCC Still Silent
Jay Chen continues to rack up bad headlines about his appalling, racist attacks on Congresswoman Michelle Steel, but the DCCC has still been precariously silent on the matter. The DCCC…

Tax Return: $5,200 Owed!
Today is Tax Day, and for millions of working families their bill is coming due. As if the IRS wasn’t taking enough from their paychecks, Joe Biden’s hidden tax…