CLF Targets Brad Schneider with $1 Million “Hiding” Ad Campaign
WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC) today released the ad “Hiding” in Illinois’ 10th congressional district race, exposing secretive politician Brad Schneider’s record of supporting higher taxes and hiding…

CLF Launches $1 Million “Lisa” Ad Campaign Against John Foust
WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC) today released the ad “Lisa” in Virginia’s 10th congressional district race, showing what John Foust’s sexist comments about Barbara Comstock mean to women…

Congressional Leadership Fund to Spend $600,000 Against Gwen Graham (FL-02)
WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC) today announced plans to spend $600,000 in Florida’s 2nd congressional district race against liberal Democrat Gwen Graham. The independent expenditures will include Tallahassee…

Congressional Leadership Fund to Spend $1.6 Million Against Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01)
WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC) today announced plans to spend $1.6 Million in New Hampshire’s 1st congressional district race against extreme liberal Carol Shea-Porter. The independent expenditures, including…

Congressional Leadership Fund to Spend $1 Million Against Brad Schneider (IL-10)
WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC) today announced plans to spend $1 Million in Illinois’ 10th congressional district race against Brad Schneider. The independent expenditures will include broadcast TV…

CLF Launches “Showdown” Ad Campaign Against Pete Gallego (TX-23)
WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC) today released the ad “Showdown” in Texas’ 23rd congressional district race, confronting liberal Congressman Pete Gallego on his Obamacare support at the expense…

VA-10 Poll: Comstock Leads by 12
Today Congressional Leadership Fund is releasing a new poll in VA-10, showing Republican candidate Barbara Comstock leading Democrat John Foust by 12 points. The poll was conducted by The Tarrance…

Facts on Foust: Obamacare Booster
John Foust: Obamacare Booster Foust Champions Obamacare as “Clearly A Good Thing”. . . Despite Obamacare’s Broken Promises with Canceled Plans, High Costs and Limited Doctors,…

Facts on Foust: Partisan for Pelosi
John Foust: Partisan for Pelosi A DCCC Recruit, Foust Would Be Pelosi Puppet After The DCCC Asked Foust To Run, Pelosi and Foust Celebrate Their Shared…

CLF & AAN Announce Combined $1 Million Campaign Against Pete Gallego (TX-23)
WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC) and its sister organization, the American Action Network (@AAN), today announced plans to spend a total of $1 Million in Texas’ 23rd congressional district…