PA Dems Reject Key Energy Policies Their Voters Want

PA Dems Reject Key Energy Policies Their Voters Want

The House has now passed a series of energy bills aimed at unleashing American energy, lowering energy costs for hardworking Americans, and strengthening our economy: Denouncing the harmful, anti-American energy…

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Self-Proclaimed “Pro-Israel” Susan Wild Spoke at CAIR Event

Self-Proclaimed “Pro-Israel” Susan Wild Spoke at CAIR Event

Washington Free Beacon reports that just days before she called herself “very pro-Israel,” Susan Wild spoke at a fundraiser hosted by CAIR (a well-known anti-Israel group condemned…

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Migrants Top the Denver Food Chain… Literally

Migrants Top the Denver Food Chain… Literally

Denver’s migrant crisis is getting even more bleak, as a new report details how the city’s costs to feed illegal immigrants is skyrocketing – costing taxpayers over…

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New report on PA’s financial consequences from LNG export ban

New report on PA’s financial consequences from LNG export ban

A column in the Washington Examiner detailed how President Biden’s liquified natural gas (LNG) export ban is going to cost Pennsylvania farmers and landowners. According to the report, in…

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New report on PA’s financial consequences from LNG export ban

New report on PA’s financial consequences from LNG export ban

A column in the Washington Examiner detailed how President Biden’s liquified natural gas (LNG) export ban is going to cost Pennsylvania farmers and landowners. According to the report, in…

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New report on PA’s financial consequences from LNG export ban

New report on PA’s financial consequences from LNG export ban

A column in the Washington Examiner detailed how President Biden’s liquified natural gas (LNG) export ban is going to cost Pennsylvania farmers and landowners. According to the report, in…

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Who Does Cartwright Really Represent in Congress?

Who Does Cartwright Really Represent in Congress?

In his own words, Matt Cartwright presents himself back home as a “moderate” fighting for “common-sense” policies. But a recent report…

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Did Vicente Gonzalez REALLY Say That?

Did Vicente Gonzalez REALLY Say That?

Vicente Gonzalez made some shocking and disgusting comments to The New Republic, saying “when you see ‘Latinos for Trump,’ to me it is like seeing ‘Jews for…

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Vasquez’s Vote Is a Headscratcher

Vasquez’s Vote Is a Headscratcher

94 percent of Americans say illegal immigration in the U.S. is a problem, and most are blaming Biden.  Yet, Gabe Vasquez…

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Kaptur’s Vote Is a Headscratcher

Kaptur’s Vote Is a Headscratcher

94 percent of Americans say illegal immigration in the U.S. is a problem, and most are blaming Biden.  Yet, Marcy Kaptur…

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