Suozzi EVEN MORE Desperate to Hide His Open-Borders Record

Two-Faced Tom Suozzi went up with yet ANOTHER ad to try and cover up his very public anti-border security record.

This is his second attempt in a week to try and erase his history.

Why so defensive?

Suozzi doesn’t want voters to know that hekicked ICE out of Nassau County,” then BRAGGED about it.

And he really doesn’t want them to know the rest of his extreme open-borders record:

  1. Suozzi repeatedly voted to fund the sanctuary city policies that are destroying New York.
  2. He voted against reporting illegal immigrants to ICE for attempting to purchase firearms.
  3. He was awarded “Person of the Year” by an open-borders activism group that wants to block ICE and defund police.

As New Yorkers continue feeling the effects of Democrats’ migrant crisis, Adams crony and Hochul puppet Tom Suozzi can’t escape his record.

“Two-Faced Tom Suozzi is going to great lengths to try and hide his record, but he can’t change the truth: Suozzi is an open-borders extremist, who kicked ICE out of Nassau County – then bragged about it,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella.