Pete Gallego said what?

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Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada. That’s Pete Gallego’s response on Hillary Clinton’s State Department giving Clinton Foundation donors special access. Yes, a new investigation by the AP found that over half of Hillary Clinton’s private interest meetings and phone calls as Secretary of State were with Clinton Foundation donors. This stunning revelation flies in the face of the Clinton camp’s long-held claim that donors had no special access to Secretary Clinton.

But Clinton supporter Pete Gallego, who will share a ballot with Clinton, has been radio silent so far. Gallego has previously found time to respond, almost immediately, to other major news coming from the top of the ticket. This should be no different.

FWIW – Gallego shouldn’t worry; he won’t be the first to comment. Other Clinton supporters have said the Foundation must be shut down if Clinton wins. And with more and more voices taking a stand, it’s time for Pete Gallego to follow suit.  

Texans in the 23rd district deserve to know Pete Gallego’s views on ethics and accountability before they head to the ballot box.