New Ads In KY-06: Amy McGrath Is A Pelosi Liberal

-Amy McGrath admits she is no different from Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic Party
-Local veteran discusses how McGrath would be another vote for Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released two new ads in Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District. The ads will run on television in the Lexington media market and on digital platforms throughout the district.

One ad, “National Democratic Party,” features Amy McGrath admitting that her political views are no different from the national Democratic Party. Another ad, “Claude,” features Claude Shaw, a local Kentucky veteran, discussing how Amy McGrath would be another vote for Nancy Pelosi’s extreme, liberal agenda.

“Amy McGrath admitted she is no different from Nancy Pelosi’s extreme, liberal Democratic Party,” said Courtney Alexander, CLF Communications Director. “McGrath is simply another Pelosi liberal who would work to raise taxes, support a government takeover of health care, and open America’s borders to illegal immigration. McGrath is with Nancy Pelosi, not Kentucky families.”

In addition to the ad campaign, CLF previously opened a field office in Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District. Each CLF field office is supported by a full-time staffer and hundreds of interns and volunteers who engage with voters on a daily basis through hyper-targeted phone banking and door-to-door canvassing.

Watch the ad, “National Democratic Party,” here.


VO: The Pelosi liberals want to raise our taxes…

…pass a government takeover of health care…

…and open America’s borders to illegal immigration.

Amy McGrath is with them.

NEWSCASTER: “How is Amy McGrath different than the Democratic Party nationally?”

AMY MCGRATH: “I don’t know that I’m different than the Democratic Party national.”

VO: Higher taxes. Bigger government. Open borders.

MCGRATH: “I don’t know that I’m different than the Democratic Party national.”

Watch the ad, “Claude,” here.


CLAUDE SHAW: I served two tours in Vietnam and got two purple hearts for my efforts.

Amy McGrath wore the uniform too, but that doesn’t mean she belongs in Congress.

McGrath opposes the middle-class tax cut…

…and supports the liberal health care plan that would nearly double the debt…

…and eliminate employer provided health insurance.

We can respect Amy McGrath’s service, but we don’t have to give Pelosi another vote in Washington.