CLF Targets Brad Schneider with $1 Million “Hiding” Ad Campaign

WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC) today released the ad “Hiding” in Illinois’ 10th congressional district race, exposing secretive politician Brad Schneider’s record of supporting higher taxes and hiding his own household’s tax returns.

Brad Schneider still refuses to release his 2011 and 2012 tax returns, and he only provided “peek-a-boo paperwork” of his 2013 tax return. Yet Brad Schneider supported raising income taxes — including raising taxes on some small businesses that report income, unlike his own “business” which reported no income.

This broadcast TV and online advertising buy is part of CLF’s $1 Million in independent expenditures in the IL-10 race.

View the :15 online ad here.

“Illinois families have had enough of secretive politicians like Brad Schneider who thinks he can play by his own rules,” said Emily Davis, spokeswoman for Congressional Leadership Fund. “When multi-millionaire Brad Schneider won’t come clean about his own taxes, Illinois families and small businesses should wonder why he’s so interested in raising theirs.”

:30 Script:

ANNCR: Some people think they can play by their own rules.

Take politician Brad Schneider.

He’s one of the richest multi-millionaires in Congress

…but somehow Schneider’s business reported no income to be taxed.

And he refused to show voters his tax returns.

Meanwhile, Schneider supported higher income taxes

…and higher taxes on small businesses.

Brad Schneider. Hiding taxes for his household, raising taxes for ours.

Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.