CLF Launches New Hard Dollar “Trailblazers Fund” To Support Impressive GOP Candidates & Members

Today, Congressional Leadership Fund announced the launch of the new “CLF Trailblazers Fund,” a new hard-dollar program within CLF to support impressive and meritorious Republican candidates and Members of Congress. CLF Trailblazers will endorse candidates and make direct, hard-dollar contributions to key candidates and Members of Congress, in addition to the independent expenditure campaigns CLF engages in.
“As we fight to win back the House and elect more Republican rising stars, CLF Trailblazers Fund will enable us to endorse and financially support key candidates of distinction with additional hard dollars,” said Dan Conston, President of Congressional Leadership Fund. “Trailblazers is just one new tool to help kickstart impressive candidates that can win a Republican majority next fall.”
The first candidate to earn “CLF Trailblazers” endorsement is Julia Letlow, a mother of two, educator, PhD and a proven leader running in LA-05.
“Even in the face of unimaginable tragedy, Julia Letlow stepped forward and displayed impressive grit and unparalleled determination,” said CLF President Dan Conston. “She would be a terrific addition to the House Republican Conference and we’re proud to support her campaign.”
Following CLF’s reorganization as a hybrid PAC or Carey Committee, CLF will maintain a separate contribution account from which it can donate directly to support campaigns. Candidates that earn distinction as a CLF “Trailblazer” will be standout candidates and Members of Congress with profiles of character and achievement as well as the campaign strength needed to win.