CLF Announces First “Trailblazers” Endorsements of 2024 Cycle

Congressional Leadership Fund, the super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, announced the first slate of candidates to earn the endorsement of its Trailblazers Fund. Trailblazers is CLF’s hard-dollar arm, which endorses and provides direct financial support to key Republican candidates with the ability to help grow the House Majority.
“These candidates have proven they have what it takes to connect with voters and win in battleground districts,” said CLF President Dan Conston. “For the third straight cycle, House Republicans have had tremendous recruits in swing seats — and that can make all the difference. With the right resources, we will be well-positioned to hold and grow the House Majority come November.”
Congressional campaigns that earn the support of Trailblazers are standout candidates with proven track records of tangible achievement and impressive character, who have also met clear benchmarks of campaign organization, fundraising, and grassroots outreach.
The first round of Trailblazers endorsements are as follows:
AK-AL: Nancy Dahlstrom
CA-09: Kevin Lincoln
CA-47: Scott Baugh
CO-08: Gabe Evans
CT-05: George Logan
IL-17: Joe McGraw
IN-01: Randy Niemeyer
KS-03: Prasanth Reddy
ME-02: Austin Theriault
MI-07: Tom Barrett
MN-02: Joe Teirab
NC-01: Laurie Buckhout
NM-02: Yvette Herrell
NY-18: Alison Esposito
OH-01: Orlando Sonza
OH-09: Derek Merrin
OH-13: Kevin Coughlin
PA-08: Rob Bresnahan
PA-17: Rob Mercuri
VA-07: Derrick Anderson
For more information on CLF’s Trailblazers Fund, visit our website here.