CBS News: Boehner PAC’s ads target Dems over Ryan budget

CBS News
Lucy Madison
March 22, 2013

After a brief respite from political campaign ads after the 2012 elections, the Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC tied to House Speaker John Boehner, is out with its first ads of the 2014 campaign cycle, airing television ads in New York and Florida targeting Democratic House members for voting against the controversial Republican budget proposal.

The ads, aimed at suburban moms in Republican-leaning districts, go after Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, D-N.Y., and Rep. Joe Garcia, D-Fla., both of who voted against the GOP plan, along with all other House Democrats.

“House Democrats refused to support balancing Washington’s budget even though families have to every month,” said CLF Communications Director Dan Conston, in a statement. “American moms deserve to know why Democrats think Washington shouldn’t live by the same rules.”

The spots, which are identical, feature a mother lamenting the fact that she “can’t figure out how to pay for” the new bike her daughter wants “so bad,” which is tied to bad budgeting in Washington. According to the group, they will run on cable shows targeting women.

“Families make tough decisions to balance their budget,” says the ad’s announcement. “Why can’t Washington?”

The group’s early release of campaign ads represents an effort among Republicans to get out in front of the messaging surrounding the Ryan budget plan – which Democrats used against them in the 2012 election.