Unredacted Police Report Confirms Vasquez Harassed Man Using N-word

This morning, Free Beacon released the unredacted police report confirming that Democrat Rep. Gabe Vasquez called his former employer and harassed a colleague, calling him “Chris, the n***er” and later, “Chris, the black man.”
Last week, Vasquez denied the original report as “categorically false,” and dismissed it as a Republican attack, but the unredacted police report is undeniable.
Gabe Vasquez used a grotesque racial slur to harass a former co-worker, then tried to lie his way out of it.
“Gabe Vasquez’s behavior is unacceptable. First, Vasquez hurled the N-word at a former colleague, then he lied about it,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole. “What will it take for House Democratic leadership to hold Vasquez accountable for using a grotesque racial slur?”