Unhinged Underwood Accepts Endorsement of Unhinged Liberal Extremist Group

I’ve got a feeling this is going to be an endorsement Congresswoman Lauren Underwood is really going to regret.
In case you missed it, Lauren Underwood proudly accepted the endorsement of Democracy for America this morning, a totally unhinged liberal extremist organization that not only wants to impeach Trump, cancel all Illinoisans’ health insurance, and guarantee money for folks unwilling to work, but was also behind the rise of left-wing wacko, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
We’ve been saying all along that Unhinged Underwood has been far to the left of her district, which elected Trump by 4 points just a few years ago, but her decision to tout this endorsement couldn’t make it any clearer.
CLF COMMENT: “Congresswoman Underwood is clearly far more comfortable cozying up to the impeachment-obsessed leftists than she is trying to reach out to the people she’s supposed to represent. They say you’re only as good as the company you keep, and in Lauren Underwood’s case, the company she keeps is extreme leftists who will stop at nothing to impeach Trump and are responsible for the rise of socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore.