TJ Cox: My ethical problems “will absolutely be the centerstone” of my re-election

Congressman TJ Cox’s numerous ethical lapses are starting to make him sweat… big time.

In an interview with Your Central Valley this weekend, TJ admitted – on camera… to a reporter — that his shady business dealings are “absolutely going to be the centerstone” of his 2020 re-election.

While we’re happy to celebrate that TJ has finally moved on from “denial” to “acceptance” in the 5 stages of grieving that his poor choices are totally sinking his re-election chances, voters are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. As a reminder, here are the 397,496 ways Shady TJ has gotten himself in trouble recently…

And honestly, I probably forgot to include a few.

“TJ Cox is absolutely right: his countless ethical problems are going to be the ‘centerstone’ of why voters send him packing in 2020,” said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore.