Thanks to Max Rose’s bail law, freed gang member went “right back to shooting”

The consequences of Max Rose’s support for New York’s disastrous bail reform law continue to haunt the city. Reports today say Darrius Sutton – a violent gang member who was released without bail on his attempted murder charge– was set free and “went right back to shooting,” participating “in at least three drive-by shootings after he was freed.”
In a candidate questionnaire, Rose *in all caps* said he “SUPPORTS” the bail law that let Sutton back out on our street. Yeah, the same Max Rose who marched to defund the police and who hired a cop killer.
“Innocent people are being hurt as a direct result of this disastrous bail reform law, which Max Rose has said he enthusiastically supports,” said CLF Spokesman Will Reinert. “Max Rose says his ‘top priority’ is the ‘safety and security of our community,’ but supported laws that put dangerous criminals back on the streets, marched to defund the police and even extended a job offer to a cop killer. Voters won’t let Max get away with his phony act any longer and it’s why they’re ready to send him home this fall.”