Suozzi’s Migrant Crisis: Illegal Migrant Attacks Nassau County Resident in ‘Hate Crime’

Shocking new video footage shows a Nassau County homeowner being attacked by an illegal migrant in what police are calling a “hate crime.” 

The attacker – who crossed the border illegally in November – assaulted the homeowner and stole a pro-Israeli flag, which the homeowner hung after his wife’s cousin was killed by Hamas on Oct. 7.

Sadly, there’s an emerging pattern of violence being committed by illegal migrants, as Mayor Adams and his crony Tom Suozzi’s migrant crisis rages on…

And Suozzi’s liberal, open-borders policies have brought this crisis straight to Nassau County:

“These brazen acts of violence are a direct result of Tom Suozzi and his party’s radical, anti-border security agenda,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole. “Suozzi helped bring this migrant crisis straight to Nassau County when he kicked out ICE, and then he had the audacity to brag about it. Now, New York families are paying the price – he should be ashamed.”