Rep. Golden wants us to pay how much?!
Today is Tax Day, a day when Americans of all stripes are confronted by just how much of their hard-earned paycheck is confiscated by the federal government. But for Congressman Jared Golden, it’s a day that serves as a great opportunity to look back on all the ways he and his clown car of socialists in the House would have Americans pay even more in taxes, if they have their way in 2020.
Reporters: if you see Congressman Golden, in honor of today’s occasion, please ask him how he feels about his party’s reckless ideas, like…
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s plan to raise income taxes as high as 70%.
- Bernie Sanders’s plan to raise taxes $16.2 trillion in order to kick 180 million Americans off their health care.
- Elizabeth Warren’s $2.75 trillion, 3% “wealth tax.”
- Elizabeth Warren’s newly proposed $1 trillion tax hike on American businesses through her 7% “corporate profits” tax.
- Bernie Sanders’s 77% death tax.
- Brian Schatz and Peter DeFazio’s plan to tax families’ down payments, nest eggs, 401ks and retirement savings with a new “financial transactions tax.”
- Ron Wyden’s “breathtakingly terrible” idea to raise taxes on Americans’ investments, savings and the value of their small businesses.
- Democrats’ vote earlier this year to change the House rules to make it easier for them to raise taxes.
- Nancy Pelosi’s plan to repeal the GOP tax cuts which would leave as many as 90% of Americans facing higher taxes.
CLF COMMENT: “Congressman Golden has sat complicit for too long as his socialist friends in the House have marched forward with extreme plans to raise taxes on just about everything from retirement savings and family nest eggs, to small businesses and workers’ hard-earned paychecks,” said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore. “Golden owes Maine an explanation for why he thinks families should be expected to put less on the table in order to pay for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s extreme socialist agenda.”