Gluesenkamp Perez Tries to Rewrite History… Again

Gluesenkamp Perez Tries to Rewrite History… Again

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez’s office told Fox News that when it comes to the southern border, she has “called on the [Biden] Administration her entire time in office” to solve the…

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Sorensen Must Apologize for Rape Jokes

Sorensen Must Apologize for Rape Jokes

The Sexual Violence Prevention Association is calling out a disgusting remark from Democrat Eric Sorensen that contributes “to rape culture” and demand he be held accountable for his…

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Biden Wants to Forgive Student Loans of Antisemitic Agitators

Biden Wants to Forgive Student Loans of Antisemitic Agitators

President Biden announced $6.1 billion in new student loan forgiveness. Meanwhile, anti-Israel and antisemitic student agitators have set up encampments and threatened Jewish…

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Vargas’ Silence Is Deafening

Vargas’ Silence Is Deafening

Pace University and the University of Rochester – both alma maters of Tony Vargas  – have had antisemitic mobs crop up, set up an encampment, and completely …

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Engel’s Silence Is Deafening

Engel’s Silence Is Deafening

An antisemitic mob set up an encampment on the University of Arizona’s campus – where Kirsten Engel is an active professor – and only disbanded after multiple…

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Hertel’s Candidacy in Jeopardy

Hertel’s Candidacy in Jeopardy

Curtis Hertel’s candidacy is in jeopardy after a challenge filed against his campaign exposed that Hertel’s paperwork did not clearly specify which office he’s running for. On…

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NEW: CLF CO-08 Poll Shows Caraveo in Trouble

NEW: CLF CO-08 Poll Shows Caraveo in Trouble

A new CLF survey of Colorado’s 8th Congressional District shows Democrat incumbent Yadira Caraveo is already in deep trouble seven months out from Election Day.

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Jones Bankrolled by Groups Funding Antisemitic College Encampments

Jones Bankrolled by Groups Funding Antisemitic College Encampments

Mondaire Jones would have you believe he condemns the dangerous antisemitism ravaging college campuses, but a bombshell report reveals the truth… Mondaire Jones…

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Gluesenkamp Perez Tries to Rewrite History

Gluesenkamp Perez Tries to Rewrite History

Not long ago, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez was insisting that “nobody stays awake at night worrying about the southern border… that’s not what matters to people.” But today,…

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CO Voters Have Had It With Denver Migrant Crisis

CO Voters Have Had It With Denver Migrant Crisis

Denver is struggling to afford its ongoing migrant crisis, as they continue reallocating funds from city and statewide budgets (even defunding Denver’s police) to pay for…

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