Money Talks, Josh Riley Doesn’t

Money Talks, Josh Riley Doesn’t

A new report reveals that Democrat Josh Riley has been taking campaign cash from employees of the radically anti-Israel Ford Foundation. The cash helps…

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House Dems on Defense

House Dems on Defense

DCCC announced their initial ad reserve for the fall, and 84% of their buy is going on defense. This follows House Majority PAC’s initial ad reserve, which…

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Fentanyl Overdose Deaths Skyrocket, No Thanks to Caraveo

Fentanyl Overdose Deaths Skyrocket, No Thanks to Caraveo

Colorado is seeing “an unprecedented number” of fentanyl overdose deaths, since the Colorado State Legislature passed a bill – led at the time by Yadira Caraveo – to lessen penalties…

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Dem Border Policies Bring Terrorists to Pennsylvania

Dem Border Policies Bring Terrorists to Pennsylvania

Shocking new reports reveal that several men – who illegally crossed the southern border, were vetted, and granted entry into the U.S. – were arrested in Philadelphia for…

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$340 Million: The Cost of Denver’s Illegal Immigration Crisis

$340 Million: The Cost of Denver’s Illegal Immigration Crisis

New estimates reveal that Denver’s migrant crisis has cost the city a whopping $340 million, which stems from providing more than 42,272 illegal immigrants with everything from housing, education, and…

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Taxing Tony Vargas Can’t Hide His Tax-Hiking Record

Taxing Tony Vargas Can’t Hide His Tax-Hiking Record

Tony Vargas recently posted on X that his “first priority” in Congress would be cutting taxes for the middle class. But here are the facts:…

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Caraveo Tries to Play Border Blame Game

Caraveo Tries to Play Border Blame Game

As the illegal immigration crisis continues hammering Denver, Yadira Caraveo tried to pin blame on Republicans yesterday for “blocking solutions,” but here’s the truth: Over…

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CCP-linked Gotion “Deeply Connected to Forced Labor”

CCP-linked Gotion “Deeply Connected to Forced Labor”

The U.S. House Select Committee on the CCP is calling on the Department of Homeland Security to blacklist Gotion over ties to “Chinese Community Party state-sponsored slave labor and…

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Derek Tran Must Apologize for ‘Misleading’ and ‘Offensive’ Comments

Derek Tran Must Apologize for ‘Misleading’ and ‘Offensive’ Comments

Over four dozen Asian American community leaders in California’s 45th District penned a letter calling on Derek Tran to apologize for “spewing misleading information” and “offensive” comments against Congresswoman…

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Sue Altman Ties Exposed with Pro-Illegal Immigration Group

Sue Altman Ties Exposed with Pro-Illegal Immigration Group

A new report revealed that the group Sue Altman recently campaigned with, Make the Road NJ, backs a far-left, pro-illegal immigration agenda fighting for sanctuary cities, defunding …

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