New Poll Spells Trouble for Ohio Dems

A new Emerson College Polling/WJW-TV Fox 8 Cleveland survey of Ohio voters found that President Joe Biden holds only a 32% job approval rating among Ohio voters with 58% of voters disapproving of the job Biden is doing in office.
That’s not good for Ohio Democrats Emilia Sykes and Greg Landsman, who’ve already tried (and failed) to hide their support of Biden.
And it’s particularly bad news for Biden’s BFF Marcy Kaptur, who has openly embraced the unpopular President and his toxic policies – even admitting she’s “honored” to “work for him.”
“Ohio voters already know career politician Marcy Kaptur and failing President Joe Biden stand hand-in-hand,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella, “and any attempts from her or other Ohio Democrats Emilia Sykes and Greg Landsman to distance themselves from toxic Biden will prove futile come next November.”