Migrant Crime Ring Takes Hold in Michigan

A chilling new report reveals that a migrant crime ring has organized in Michigan, targeting high-end homes and stealing from them when homeowners leave for vacation.
While Michigan families live in fear, it’s even more chilling that if radical Curtis Hertel had his way, these criminals – who shouldn’t even be in our country in the first place – wouldn’t be held accountable and deported.
Remember that Hertel advocated for sanctuary cities and said the local government shouldn’t report illegal immigrants to ICE.
“Curtis Hertel has shown Michiganders exactly who he is: A radical leftist who will put his own pro-illegal immigration agenda over protecting the safety of Michigan’s citizens,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole. “As this illegal immigration problem quickly escalates to a full-blown crisis, Hertel would only make it worse if elected to Congress.”