Luna County Sheriff: “I strongly condemn Gabe Vasquez”

Luna County Sheriff Mike Eby is blasting Gabe Vasquez and his cronies in a new op-ed for using the sheriff’s image in a recent campaign ad without his consent, writing “I would never consent to my photo being used in a video to support an anti-law enforcement candidate like Gabe Vasquez.”
Sheriff Eby went on to say, “Vasquez is pretending like he has the support of local law enforcement, when in fact he does not… Vasquez has proven he will lie for political gain… I strongly condemn Gabe Vasquez and I am proud to endorse Yvette Herrell for Congress.”
And he’s right: Gabe Vasquez’s anti-law enforcement record is long. Remember, he went on TV to advocate for defunding the police, called police a “system of oppression,” and has backed soft-on-crime policies.
“Gabe Vasquez’s radical anti-law enforcement record has made New Mexico less safe, and there is no one who understands this better than Sheriff Eby,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole.