Greedy McCready’s radical immigration agenda
In the closing days of the special election, Greedy Dan McCready has made it clear he’s all about appealing to the radical left on immigration.
Just look at the positions he’s taken in the last few days:
- When pressed on border security in this week’s debate, McCready admitted he’d fight tooth and nail to stop America from building the wall saying, “we don’t need 3,000 miles of wall” to keep Americans safe.
- And last week, McCready endorsed sanctuary cities, saying Governor Cooper was “right” to veto legislation that would have required sheriffs to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
There’s just no difference whatsoever between a vote for him and a vote for radical socialists like Elizabeth Warren who are funding his campaign.
“Greedy Dan McCready has made it crystal clear: for him, it is Greedy McCready first, and North Carolinians last,” said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore. “Even when it comes to keeping families safe, McCready would rather side with the open borders socialists that have taken over the Democratic Party than do what’s right for North Carolina.”
Watch McCready come out against President Trump’s wall here.