Is Conor Lamb Already Backtracking On Not Supporting Pelosi?
It looks like liberal Conor Lamb is starting to backtrack on not supporting Nancy Pelosi for Speaker.
Why’s that you ask?
The New York Times’ Jonathan Martin has the scoop:
“More news: LAMB, the Dem nominee in PA-18, is also in DC today for a fundraiser, tonight w the Pa delegation.” (Twitter, 1/17/18)
Where’s the connection?
In 2017, the ENTIRE Pennsylvania Democratic House delegation supported Nancy Pelosi for Speaker. Additionally, each member of the delegation voted the party line (a.k.a. with Pelosi) more than 90% of the time.
Do you really think that an entire delegation that supports Nancy Pelosi would be helping a candidate that doesn’t support her? Neither do Pennsylvania voters…
“It’s foolish of Conor Lamb to tell Pennsylvania voters he wouldn’t support Nancy Pelosi for Speaker. It’s only been 10 days since he made that announcement and he’s already in Washington attending fundraisers with her allies.” – Michael Byerly, spokesperson for the Congressional Leadership Fund.