Caraveo Backs Kamala Harris, Biden’s VP & Border Czar, Amid Growing Migrant Crisis

After Biden was forced to drop out of the presidential race (by his own party) and endorsed his VP, Yadira Caraveo was quick to endorse Kamala Harris, who also served as Biden’s Border Czar.
This doesn’t surprise us considering Harris and Caraveo are two peas in a progressive pod when it comes to backing a radical, open-borders agenda.
Remember, Kamala Harris has called to abolish ICE, while Yadira Caraveo called to defund ICE and CBP. And both have actively worked against efforts to secure the southern border.
Meanwhile, there’s a costly migrant crisis overwhelming Denver, which the city council admitted recently is leading to a “crime spike” throughout the city.
“Yadira Caraveo and Kamala Harris are two peas in a progressive pod – both backing radical policies that make our border less secure,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole. “Colorado voters who want to put a stop to this illegal immigration crisis hurting Denver will reject Caraveo this fall.”