REPORT: Illegal Immigrant Crisis Is Causing Major Crime Spike in Denver

At a Denver City Council meeting, councilmembers finally admitted that the city’s spike in crime is directly linked to the ongoing illegal immigration crisis.
One councilmember said the migrant crisis is “affecting the safety” of her district, and another admitted that “not all” migrants coming to Denver “want a better life… And we know that’s the case because it’s happening in District 5.”
Let’s not forget, the steep cost of the migrant crisis forced Denver to defund public safety by a whopping 17 million dollars, which has only made this crime crisis worse.
And Yadira Caraveo invited this migrant crisis to Denver by voting AGAINST securing the border and urging President Biden to defund ICE and CBP.
“Colorado families are less safe thanks to Yadira Caraveo’s radical open-borders agenda, and Colorado voters will hold her accountable this November,” said CLF Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole.