“Craziest thing in the world”

That is what President Bill Clinton called Obamacare while campaigning this week. With premiums and deductibles skyrocketing, insurance companies pulling out of exchanges, and Americans seeing fewer health care options, even Bill Clinton has acknowledged Obamacare has failed.



This wasn’t a gaffe. Clinton described those being hurt the most by Obamacare, saying “People that are getting killed in this deal are small business people and individuals who make just a little too much to get any of these subsidies.”

Clinton continued, saying “People who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It’s the craziest thing in the world.”

Yes, it is. Yet, Democrats like Pete Gallego continue to support Obamacare at every turn. The second craziest thing in the world is that Gallego, while claiming otherwise, refused to fix Obamacare when he had the chance.

Will Pete Gallego finally admit that Obamacare has failed Texans?

It’s past time Gallego acknowledges that he too failed TX-23 families and small businesses during his two years in Congress by supporting Obamacare.