Torres Small: “Say no to Big Oil.”

It turns out Xochitl Torres Small’s hatred for oil & gas jobs has been around even longer than we knew about..
According to a new report, Torres Small protested the oil industry in 2008 and was even quoted in the Las Cruces-Sun News saying, “We’re here fighting Big Oil” and chanting “Say no to Big Oil.”
No wonder out of state environmentalists who want to end drilling in New Mexico are spending big to save her failing campaign.
Once a left wing radical, always a left wing radical.
“Records prove it: Xochitl Torres Small is a left-wing activist who’s been fighting to shut down New Mexico’s oil and gas industry for more than a decade,” said CLF Press Secretary Will Reinert. “New Mexicans depend on the energy industry for good paying jobs and funding for their schools, but Xochitl Torres Small will always put her radical environmental agenda first.”