The Company You Keep

As a phrase in Spanish goes, “Show me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.”

 Well, remember when TBS Network’s Samantha Bee slammed Ruben Kihuen’s boss and DNC super delegate Andres Ramirez for his questionable business dealings? That not only made Kihuen look bad, but it raised legitimate questions about his judgement as principal of a shady firm. Well, it gets worse.

Last night, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that FBI agents subpoenaed Kihuen’s employer and boss as it investigates Kihuen’s buddy Las Vegas City Councilman Ricki Barlow for corruption.

While it’s a little too late for Kihuen to distance himself from these two, Kihuen at minimum owes voters in NV-04 an explanation. Just when Kihuen thought he was done defending friends under FBI Investigations….
