Sutton’s War on Coal

Good Morning,

Last Friday, Betty Sutton again turned her back on Ohio and more than 200 coal plants and stood up for Nancy Pelosi and EPA regulations with the “Stop the War on Coal Act.”

Ohio coal manufacturers have been devastated by the EPA’s attempts to regulate coal to death. But how did Betty Sutton vote on the bipartisan Stop the War on Coal Act?

September 21st:  Rep. Betty Sutton: NOEHouse Clerk

Just like she voted for her Puppet Master Nancy Pelosi’s agenda on Cap & Trade, Sutton voted for measures that would hurt, rather than help Ohio and the coal industry:

“House Democrats joined Republicans Friday in voting to restrain environmental regulators from hurting the coal industry, battling what mining-state lawmakers call a ‘war on coal’ that just cost another 1,200 jobs.” Fox News

“Republicans say the bill is needed because power companies plan to close some coal-fired plants due to the EPA’s air emissions rules, and because of additional EPA and Interior Department rules affecting coal mining. The GOP says that taken together, the Obama administration’s regulations on the industry amount to a ‘war on coal.’” The Hill

“…Obama’s environmental policies, which are unpopular in energy-producing battleground states such as Virginia and Ohio.” Fox News

“Within the next three to five years, more than 200 coal-fired electric generating units will be shut down across 25 states due to EPA regulations…The most affected states include Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina, which will see a combined 103 coal-fired generators shut down.” Daily Caller

“The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Wednesday finalized “cross-state air pollution” regulations designed to drive coal-plant operators out of business. This noxious rule will choke job creation and ensure that consumers are stricken with higher utility bills every time they switch on the mercury-filled curlicue light bulbs they also will be forced to buy.” Washington Times

It should come as no surprise that Betty Sutton is proving time after time that she works for Nancy Pelosi, not Ohio.