Quist commits “egregious gun safety violations”

Someone please sign Rob Quist up for a hunter’s safety course. Stat.

In case you missed it, KGVO’s Peter Christian reported on Quist’s latest ad meant to highlight his credentials as an outdoorsman. Instead, we learned Quist is “obviously not very familiar with firearms” and commits “some pretty egregious gun safety violations” in less than 30 seconds.

Excerpts below:

When it comes to firearms, there’s a safe way and an unsafe way to handle them, even in a political ad, according to the Montana Shooting Sports Association.

MSSA President Gary Marbut took Democrat Congressional candidate Rob Quist to task for the many violations of safety precautions he noticed in the TV commercial touting his support for the Second Amendment.

Mr. Quist is obviously not very familiar with firearms,” Marbut began. “He does commit some pretty egregious gun safety violations that would not be committed by any 13-year-old kid who had graduated from a Hunter’s Safety course. This tells me that the firearms video is just staged to impress people, but that’s not really who he is.”

Marbut ticks off the safety violations he observed in the TV spot.

“First, he had his finger on the trigger when he wasn’t prepared to shoot,” he said.

“Another serious one is where he pointed his rifle directly at the cameraman, but certainly at every viewer who was watching the video, and that’s a clear muzzle direction violation. Also, it’s generally accepted that you don’t shoot at pictures of people, which he did. All that shows that he’s just not familiar with firearms and he needs to learn more about gun safety.”

Those aren’t the phrases Quist wants to see when he’s already having to find excuses for why in the world he hasn’t had a hunting or fishing license in at least the last 16 years.

Maybe he can apply for that license when he finally takes that hunter’s safety course. He needs it.

P.S. Quist campaign is probably saying TGIF – after dealing with thisthisthis and this.