New Radio Ad In NY-22 Features Governor Cuomo’s Controversial Comments

Anthony Brindisi was a rubber stamp for Cuomo in Albany, who recently claimed America “was never that great”

WASHINGTON – Following Governor Andrew Cuomo’s recent controversial comments, Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released a new radio ad, “Great,” in New York’s 22nd Congressional District. The radio ad slams Cuomo’s comments and Anthony Brindisi for rubber-stamping Governor Andrew Cuomo’s liberal agenda in Albany.

“Albany is run by politicians who look down on America’s values, like Governor Cuomo who said America ‘was never that great,’” said Michael Byerly, CLF spokesman. “In Albany, Anthony Brindisi was a loyal rubber stamp for Governor Cuomo, supporting his liberal agenda of higher taxes and bigger government. Brindisi’s unrelenting support of Cuomo speaks volumes, and in Congress, Brindisi would continue to be a rubber stamp, but this time for Nancy Pelosi, putting her extreme, liberal agenda ahead of Upstate New York families.”

In addition to the ad campaign, CLF opened a field office in New York’s 22nd Congressional District. Each CLF field office is supported by a full-time staffer and hundreds of interns and volunteers who engage with voters on a daily basis through hyper-targeted phone banking and door-to-door canvassing.

Listen to the ad, “Great,” here.


VO: Albany is run by crooked politicians who fleece New York taxpayers…

…and look down on America’s values.

Disgraced Democrat Sheldon Silver was just sentenced to seven years in prison for corruption. 

Now Andrew Cuomo is saying America was never great.

GOVERNOR ANDREW CUOMO: “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.”

VO: It’s not funny…

…and it’s why Anthony Brindisi can’t represent us in Congress. 

In Albany, Brindisi was a rubber stamp for Cuomo and Silver.

Supporting their liberal agenda over ninety percent of the time.

Now Brindisi wants to go to Washington to rubber-stamp Nancy Pelosi’s agenda.

Sheldon Silver. Nancy Pelosi. Andrew Cuomo.

Anthony Brindisi is with them, not us.

GOVERNOR CUOMO: “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.”