New CLF Ad: Jane Dittmar a “Rubber Stamp” for Hillary Clinton

WASHINGTON – Today, the Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, released its second and final ad, “Rubber Stamp,” in Virginia’s 5th congressional district race. The ad highlights how liberal Jane Dittmar is just like Hillary Clinton on Obamacare, tax hikes, and self-serving deals.
“Two for the price of one sounds like a good deal, except when it’s Hillary Clinton and Jane Dittmar” said Ruth Guerra, CLF spokeswoman. “Under Clinton and Dittmar’s agenda, Virginians lose money under high premiums and high taxes while the politicians pad their own pockets. Virginia families can’t afford a Hillary Clinton rubber stamp like Jane Dittmar in Congress.”
The ad will air on Charlottesville and Roanoke-Lynchburg cable, broadcast and digital platforms beginning Tuesday, November 1, as part of CLF’s now $850,000 independent expenditure campaign in the VA-05 race. CLF and it sister organization American Action Network’s total announced general election spending to date is over $45 million in 32 districts nationwide.
ANNCR: Virginia can’t afford liberal Jane Dittmar to rubberstamp Hillary Clinton’s agenda.
Just like Clinton, Dittmar supports Obamacare.
Even though health care premiums are skyrocketing.
And just like Clinton, Dittmar voted for higher taxes.
Worse? Liberal Jane Dittmar voted HERSELF a pay raise.
Higher premiums and higher taxes for us. A pay raise for her.
Virginia just can’t afford liberal Jane Dittmar.
Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.