New CLF Ad: Career Politician Pete Gallego an “Insider”

Ad Part of CLF’s $2 Million Campaign in TX-23

WASHINGTON – Today, the Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPac), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, released its second ad, “Insider,” against career politician Pete Gallego in Texas’ 23rd Congressional District race. The ad exposes Pete Gallego as the ultimate political insider who is looking to rub elbows with Washington elites rather than fighting for Texans.

“No matter whether he’s called a lobbyist, political insider, or influence peddler, the truth is Pete Gallego is a do-nothing career politician who failed to stand up for Texans when he had the chance,” said Ruth Guerra, spokeswoman for CLF. “Typical politicians like Pete Gallego are part of the problem in Washington and that is why Texans will reject him in November, again.”

The ad will air on San Antonio broadcast and cable beginning Thursday, October 20, as part of CLF’s $2 million independent expenditure campaign in TX-23. A 15-second version of the ad will run on digital platforms. CLF and its sister 501c4 American Action Network have announced general election spending of over $40 million in 32 districts nationwide. CLF and its sister organization, American Action Network, remain the single largest outside conservative spenders on the U.S. House.

View the TV spot here


AANCR: Pete Gallego said he doesn’t like being called a lobbyist.

Would he prefer influence peddler?

How about political insider?

It doesn’t matter what he calls it, after Congress, Gallego became just that.

Because Gallego would rather rub elbows with his insider pals than be around real Texans.

ALLISON G.: Pete Gallego, typical politician.

RYAN O.: Typical political insider.

LISA N.: We can’t trust Pete Gallego to fight for us.

AANCR: Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.