New Ads In OH-01: Aftab Pureval Can’t Be Trusted

-One ad details Pureval’s liberal policies that would put Ohio families at risk
-Another spot highlights that Pureval is under investigation for allegedly using $30,000 in campaign cash for personal use

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released two new ads in Ohio’s 1st Congressional District. The ads will run on television in the Cincinnati media market and on digital platforms throughout the district.

One ad, “Diane” features a local mom discussing how Aftab Pureval’s extreme, liberal policies would put Ohio families at risk. Another ad, “Megan,” features a local mom highlighting that Pureval hid the fact he worked for a D.C. lobbying firm and is now under investigation for allegedly using campaign cash for personal use.

“Backed by the liberal Resistance, Aftab Pureval would support extreme, liberal policies that would put Ohio families at risk,” said Michael Byerly, CLF spokesman. “Just as concerning, Pureval is now under investigation for allegedly using campaign cash for personal use which the Cincinnati Enquirersays could land him in jail. Aftab Pureval is too liberal for Ohio families, he can’t be trusted in Congress.”

In addition to the ad campaign, CLF previously opened a field office in Ohio’s 1st Congressional District. Each CLF field office is supported by a full-time staffer and hundreds of interns and volunteers who engage with voters on a daily basis through hyper-targeted phone banking and door-to-door canvassing.

Watch the ad, “Diane,” here.


DIANE: As a mom, nothing is more important than my kid’s safety.

Aftab Pureval is a risk our families can’t take.

Pureval is the Resistance candidate for Congress.

These radicals want to abolish ICE…

…the law enforcement agency that deports criminal illegal aliens.

And they’re supporting Pureval for a reason…

Pureval would vote with Nancy Pelosi for open borders and amnesty.

Putting Ohio families at risk.

Aftab Pureval can’t be trusted.

Watch the ad, “Megan,” here.


MEGAN: As a mom of four, I want a leader in Congress my family can trust.

Aftab Pureval fails the test.

Pureval hid that he worked at a D.C. lobbying firm.

Now Pureval’s under investigation…

…facing allegations that he used $30,000 of campaign cash for personal use.

The Cincinnati Enquirer says it could land Pureval in jail.

Aftab Pureval cannot be trusted.