New Ads In NY-22 Highlight Brindisi’s Extreme Health Care Plan

-First ad highlights Brindisi’s vote for single-payer health care and a two-hundred-billion-dollar tax hike
-Another ad features local resident discussing Brindisi’s health care plan that would wreck Medicare for seniors

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released two new ads in New York’s 22nd Congressional District. The ads will run on television in the Binghamton and Utica media markets and digital platforms throughout the district.

One ad, “Sheldon & Nancy” highlights Anthony Brindisi as a tax-and-spend rubber stamp. The other ad, “Sherry,” features Sherry, a local senior, detailing Brindisi’s extreme health care plan that would end Medicare as we know it and explode the national debt.

“In Albany, Anthony Brindisi rubber-stamped disgraced former Speaker Silver and Governor Cuomo’s costly agenda over 90 percent of the time,” said Michael Byerly, CLF spokesman. “Now Brindisi is running for Congress and would be a rubber stamp for Pelosi’s extreme health care agenda that would wreck Medicare for seniors and explode the national debt. Upstate families deserve better than a tax-and-spend rubber stamp like Anthony Brindisi.”

In addition to the ad campaign, CLF previously opened a field office in New York’s 22nd Congressional District. Each CLF field office is supported by a full-time staffer and hundreds of interns and volunteers who engage with voters on a daily basis through hyper-targeted phone banking and door-to-door canvassing.

Watch the ad, “Sheldon & Nancy,” here.


VO: In Albany, Anthony Brindisi rubber-stamped Silver’s and Cuomo’s agenda over ninety percent of the time.

Brindisi voted for single-payer health care…

…and a two hundred billion-dollar tax hike.

Now Brindisi wants to rubber-stamp Nancy Pelosi’s agenda…

…supporting a thirty-two-trillion-dollar government takeover of health care…

…nearly doubling the debt.

Anthony Brindisi is a tax-and-spend rubber stamp.

Watch the ad, “Sherry,” here.


SHERRY: I earned my social security and Medicare benefits.

And I want Washington to keep their hands off them.

That’s why I can’t support Anthony Brindisi.

Brindisi wants to make everyone eligible for Medicare.

And that’s a thirty-tow-trillion-dollar budget buster.

Brindisi’s plan would end Medicare as we know it and explode the national debt…

…wrecking Medicare for seniors, raising taxes on everyone.

Anthony Brindisi doesn’t get my vote.