New Ad In KY-06: Amy McGrath Is Too Liberal For Kentucky

Ad highlights that Amy McGrath would join Nancy Pelosi in voting for higher taxes and bigger government

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released a new ad, “Pelosi Liberal,” in Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District. The ad features Brenda, a local resident, discussing why Amy McGrath is too liberal for Kentucky. The ad will run on television in the Lexington media market and on digital platforms throughout the district.

“Despite Amy McGrath’s attempts to mislead voters, the truth has emerged from McGrath’s own words, she’s no different from the national Democratic Party,” said Courtney Alexander, CLF Communications Director. “Amy McGrath supports higher taxes, bigger government, and open borders – she is too liberal for Kentucky.”

In addition to the ad campaign, CLF previously opened a field office in Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District. Each CLF field office is supported by a full-time staffer and hundreds of interns and volunteers who engage with voters on a daily basis through hyper-targeted phone banking and door-to-door canvassing.

Watch the ad, “Pelosi Liberal,” here.


NEWSCASTER: “How is Amy McGrath different than the Democratic Party nationally?”

AMY MCGRATH: “I don’t know that I’m different than the Democratic Party national.”

BRENDA: When I first saw Amy McGrath’s ads, I thought she was a moderate.

But now we know the truth.

Amy McGrath is a Nancy Pelosi liberal…

…who would vote for higher taxes, bigger government, and open borders.

Amy McGrath is just too liberal for Kentucky.

MCGRATH: “I don’t know that I’m different than the Democratic Party national.”