New Ad In CA-48: Harley Rouda Wants California Families To Pay More

Rouda wants to raise taxes on retirement savings, while increasing taxpayer-funded benefits for non-citizens

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released a new ad, “Krista,” in California’s 48th Congressional District. The ad details Harley Rouda’s unfair policies that would raise taxes on hardworking middle-class families, and increase taxpayer-funded benefits for non-citizens. The ad will run on television in the Los Angeles media market and on digital platforms throughout the district.

“Saving for retirement isn’t easy, especially in California, and now Harley Rouda wants middle-class California families to pay even more,” said Michael Byerly, CLF spokesman. “Rouda wants to hike taxes on retirement savings, but increase taxpayer-funded benefits for non-citizens. Harley Rouda’s liberal policies are unfair for hardworking middle-class families.”

Watch the ad, “Krista,” here.


KRISTA: Saving for retirement isn’t easy, especially in California.   

Everything is expensive, and politicians constantly raise our taxes.

Now Harley Rouda wants to raise taxes on retirement savings. 

That’s right. Rouda wants us to pay more. 

Meanwhile, Rouda supports increasing taxpayer-funded benefits for non-citizens. 

Tax hikes on retirement savings? 

More taxpayer money to non-citizens? 

Harley Rouda’s policies are unfair to middle-class families.