New 📺 Ad: Greedy McCready Teamed Up With Company That Put America’s National Security At Risk

Congressional Leadership Fund, House GOP Leadership’s endorsed superPAC, released its new television ad in NC-09 this morning, slamming Greedy Dan McCready for teaming up with a company that put America’s national security at risk and gaming the system so he could profit on higher utility rates. The ad, which will run on broadcast TV, cable and online advertising brings CLF’s investment to $2 million in the special election for North Carolina’s Ninth Congressional District.
“Greedy Dan McCready will do whatever it takes to make a quick buck, even if it means gaming the system to profit while North Carolina electric bills went up or doing business with shady companies that put America’s national security in jeopardy,” said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore. “Greedy Dan McCready can’t be trusted to put North Carolina first because he’s only ever looking out for number one: himself.”
The new ad can be viewed here or by clicking below.
Greedy Dan McCready always looks out for number one.
We already know McCready cashed in while you paid higher utility rates, but he didn’t stop there.
McCready teamed up with a company that imported devices from China that our own government called “a national security threat.”
All to make a buck.
Greedy Dan McCready always looks out for number one. That’s the last thing we need in Congress.
Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.