Lyin’ Rob Quist Gets Caught…Again

The gift that keeps on giving: Rob Quist’s reckless financial past and his attempts to cover it up. The Associated Press reported that Quist blatantly failed to disclose $57,000 (!!!) in income on his original personal financial disclosure.

Only after the AP inquired about the discrepancy between Quist’s 2016 tax returns and financial disclosure, did Quist come clean and report the previously undisclosed income.

These latest revelations only serve as further proof that Quist only comes clean when reporters question him, liens are placed against him, or he gets sued. His record of dishonesty should concern every Montana voter.

Excerpts below.

Montana Dem in US House bid underreports income
Associated Press
By Bobby Caina Calvan
May 2, 2017

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The Democratic candidate for Montana’s sole U.S. House seat, a cowboy poet and musician running for public office for the first time, underreported $57,000 in income when he filed federally required financial disclosure statements two months ago.

Rob Quist has garnered national attention in his bid to become the first Democrat to hold the congressional post in 20 years, but he has come under scrutiny for a history of financial difficulties.

Quist’s campaign filed a new disclosure statement with the U.S. House last week after The Associated Press sought an explanation for discrepancies in his initial disclosure document and on his 2016 income tax returns. Federal ethics law requires congressional candidates to file a one-time accounting of their personal finances.

Quist campaign spokeswoman Tina Olechowski said the updated disclosure was routine, asserting that Quist and his wife did not have a full accounting of their income when he completed his initial report. 

His updated disclosures show Quist and his wife made about $136,000 in 2016. The original report identified about $79,000 in income, while a copy of Quist’s 2016 tax return released to the AP by his campaign listed a total income of $64,805.

Quist’s financial woes have led to increased scrutiny after revelations that he defaulted on a $10,000 bank loan, did not pay thousands of dollars to a contractor he hired and faced three tax liens from the state over $15,000 in unpaid back taxes.

“Once again, Rob Quist was caught not telling the truth, and it’s long past time he release his tax returns for the years in question and finally come clean with Montanans about his trail of tax liens, unpaid debts and underreporting income,” said Gianforte spokesman, Shane Scanlon. “Quist has shown a disturbing pattern of dishonesty, and that record speaks for itself.”

Quist provided AP his tax returns for the past two years, offering a limited glimpse of his finances. In 2015, he and his wife reported $17,504 in income. In 2016, the couple owed $11,484 in federal taxes and $2,030 in state taxes.