ICYMI: CLF Releases 34 Ad Campaigns In 27 Congressional Districts

WASHINGTON – In case you missed it, Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, released 34 ad campaigns in 27 congressional districts across the country this past week. See highlights of this week’s ad coverage below.

House GOP Super PAC Uses Kavanaugh, ‘Liberal Mob’ in New Ads to Energize the Base
Wall Street Journal
Natalie Andrews

New radio ads by the House Republicans’ super PAC cite the tumultuous confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and accuse the Democrats of being a “liberal mob pushing their extreme views” in an attempt to energize GOP voters in the weeks before Election Day.

Listen to the ad, “Liberal Mob,” here.

Sensing an upset, Paul Ryan-aligned super PAC attacks Donna Shalala
Miami Herald
Alex Daugherty

The ad titled “$7” tries to portray Shalala as out of touch with working class voters in the district, noting that she lived in a mansion that eventually sold for $9 million while serving as the president of the University of Miami and led the university when its janitorial staff went on strike because their wages amounted to about $7 an hour.

Watch the ad, “$7,” here.

Shalala, Mucarsel-Powell will not return money from Castro-supporting lawmaker
Miami Herald
Martin Vassolo and Alex Daugherty

“Donna Shalala is not from Miami, she doesn’t speak Spanish and she doesn’t represent our community,” the ad from the political action committee says. “Why else would Shalala want to campaign with a congresswoman who praised Castro and defended the ruthless regime in Venezuela?”

Listen to the ad, “Castro,” here.

Morning Score
Zach Montellaro
10/15/18CLF is going up with a new ad in TX-07 hitting Democrat Lizzie Pannill Fletcher, tying her to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. “Fletcher’s agenda is Pelosi’s agenda,” the ad says, criticizing her on health care and taxes. “That’s why Pelosi’s committee is spending $2 million to back Lizzie Fletcher’s campaign.”

Watch the ad, “Simply Liberal,” here.

TV ad from Congressional Leadership Fund knocks Randy Bryce on immigration
Briana Reilly

The Congressional Leadership Fund has a new TV ad knocking 1st CD Dem Randy Bryce for his views on immigration.

Watch the ad, “Extreme,” here.

Morning Score
Zach Montellaro

The first ad hits Democrat Harley Rouda in CA-48, attacking his business record. “So heartless, Rouda fired an employee who had cancer because her health care cost too much,” the ad’s narrator says, referring to a lawsuit. “Shady Harley Rouda can’t be trusted.”

Watch the ad, “Can’t Be Trusted,” here.

Iowa Politics Insider
Des Moines Register
Robin Opsahl

Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC that backs Republican House candidates, released a new ad Tuesday tying Cindy Axne to Rep. Nancy Pelosi, with saying Axne would support Pelosi’s agenda if elected.

Watch the ad, “Naomi,” here.

Morning Score
Zach Montellaro

The second ad criticizes Democrat Kara Eastman in NE-02 over the Iran deal. “Kara Eastman is too radical to represent us,” the ad says. “Eastman supports the Iranian deal that gave billions to the leading funder of terrorism.”

Watch the ad, “Iranian Deal,” here.

GOP group’s ad blitz gives voters a choice ahead of the midterms: It’s either Trump or Pelosi
Brian Schwartz

In a new ad first provided to CNBC, the PAC links Tenney to Trump while arguing that Brindisi, a state assemblyman, will be an ally of Pelosi.

Watch the ad, “Immigration,” here.

GOP group makes late play in Iowa seat once seen as lost
The Hill
Reid Wilson

“Career politician Abby Finkenauer is one of Iowa’s most liberal legislators, and Nancy Pelosi is backing her because she’d vote the same in Congress,” the ad says. “Abby Finkenauer is Nancy Pelosi’s dream. We can’t afford her in Washington.”

Watch the ad, “Risk,” here.

Florida Playbook
Marc Caputo and Matt Dixon

Congressional Leadership Fund, the leading GOP House super PAC throws the book at Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell in its latest ad to help Rep. Carlos Curbelo.

Watch the ad, “Out Of Touch,” here.

New Ad In KS-02 Highlights Paul Davis’ Career Of Serving Himself
WIBW News Now
Nick Gosnell

The ad contrasts Steve Watkins career of serving the country with Paul Davis’ career of serving himself.

Watch the ad, “Wined And Dined,” here.

Wake-Up Call
The Morning Call
Laura Olson

This spot says Wallace would “rubber-stamp Nancy Pelosi’s liberal agenda,” saying a vote for congressional Democrats is a vote in support of more taxes, spending and debt.

Watch the new ad, “Debt,” here.

Campaign Pro Ad Roundup
Zach Montellaro, James Arkin, Elena Schneider, and Daniel Strauss

CLF released an ad calling Democrat Sean Casten a “shady politician.”

Watch the ad, “Shady Sean,” here.

Ryan-aligned PAC airs new ad in 3rd
New Jersey Globe
Nikita Biryukov

The ad hits Kim over his opposition to the tax plan Republicans passed last year while praising Rep. Tom MacArthur for the same.

Watch the ad, “$3,500,” here.

Republican PAC launches two new ads in 7th
New Jersey Globe
Nikita Biryukov

A super PAC with ties to House Speaker Paul Ryan launched two new ads in the seventh congressional district on Wednesday saying former Assistant Secretary of State Tom Malinowski would seek to raise taxes in the district.

Watch the ad, “Working,” here.

Watch the ad, “Worse,” here.

Morning Score
Zach Montellaro

“Aftab Pureval would make the [opioid] crisis worse,” the ad said. “In Congress, Pureval would vote with Nancy Pelosi for open borders and amnesty, bringing more crime and drugs into our neighborhoods.”

Watch the ad, “5,000,” here.

Super PACs now running TV commercials against both 4th District candidates
Deseret News
Lisa Riley Roche

Like the first ad from the group, the new commercial says McAdams raised taxes and his own pay as mayor. “Ben McAdams says he needs a shower. With a record as bad as his, he sure does,” the narrator says, concluding his record “stinks.”

Watch the ad, “Stinks,” here.

House GOP’s Super PAC Accuses Delgado Of ‘Big City’ Values
New York State of Politics
Nick Reisman

In the ad, the Congressional Leadership Fund accuses Delgado of holding “New York City values” like increasing taxes and spending, while Faso is pushing to create jobs.

Watch the ad, “Values,” here.

CLF Releases 2 Tax-Themed North Carolina Ads
Zach Montellaro

“Career politician Linda Coleman supported higher taxes and fees nine different times,” the ad says.

Watch the ad, “Repeatedly,” here.

CLF Releases 2 Tax-Themed North Carolina Ads
Zach Montellaro

They know the real McCready: another tax-and-spend liberal,” the ad says, referring to spending from House Majority PAC. “Liberal McCready means less money for you, more power for Pelosi.”

Watch the ad, “Allies,” here.

Ad Hits Democrat Katie Hill for Backing Nancy Pelosi, Tax Hikes, High Gas Prices
Breitbart News
Joel Pollak

The ad is called “$3,000,” referring to the savings that CLF argues families in the district will enjoy due to President Donald Trump’s 2017 tax cuts.

Watch the ad, “$3,000,” here.

California Playbook
Carla Marinucci and Jeremy White

CLF is dropping its fourth ad in the district today, a spot that touts Walters’ support for the GOP tax bill and ties Porter to Nancy Pelosi’s “liberal agenda.”

Watch the ad, “Grow,” here.

New Ad Hits Dem Congressional Candidate’s Support for Tax Hikes: ‘Kim Schrier Costs Way Too Much’
Washington Free Beacon
Jeffrey Cimmino

A newly released ad from the Congressional Leadership Fund slams Kim Schrier, a Democratic congressional candidate in Washington, for an agenda of higher taxes.

Watch the ad, “Gridlock,” here.